Hey Lovelies!
Have you noticed that things look a little different? Thanks to an amazing friend Shawn the decorations wouldn't have been possible! We were talking and she offered and I can not thank her enough for doing this! She made pretty buttons for you all to be able to find me at and Author badges, be free to take one there are two different options! Purple and stars can't go wrong hehe! I am totally loving the design, I can't stop gushing! You should check out her blog, and her beautifully done books Volition and Severance. I read Volition and loved it, and just started Severance and can't wait to see how the story unfolds! The picture doesn't do the covers justice!

Now in other news while I'm waiting for Sam to finish editing End of the Line I figured I'd do some heads up. I'm praying in the fall to have it available for those who want it. However yesterday i have come up with two ideas! When it comes closer to the release date (when I find out when that is...) I will do two Giveaways for ebook copies of End of the Line! The first might change my mind on doing because it might be a little mean. After my friend Amy and I do the cover artwork, a photo, I will post it and who can guess the town it was taken will win. Though i feel like that might be a little mean so might not do that. Yet the one I'll probably do is Trivia on Family Ties and whoever knows the answers on that will be the winner! So start studying up on Family Ties :)
I LOVE the new look of your blog/author page!! It is so beautiful!! You have some awesome friends to help you out and i loved the photos from your photo shoot! I cant wait to read the new book and anawer the trivia questions about Family Ties!!
Hehe thank you! I seriously love it and can't stop gushing over it! Shawn I can't thank enough for doing this :) ! haha thank you, seriously was nto use to so many pictures! Aw yay! I can't wait to start thinking up questions, I feel like that's going to be really fun!
ReplyDeleteI'm new to your blog, but i just want to say I love the design! I love purple and stars as well hehe
ReplyDeleteWelcome and thank you for stopping by! Hehe I love purple (despite it being absent from my closet!) and stars just are so much fun to me, I wear a star necklace everyday. I can't thank Shawn enough for doing the design :)