Tuesday, December 18, 2012

The "Last" Week, Day 2

Hey Lovelies!
Today is the second day of the "last" week of Earth. So I will be continue the countdown till Friday on this blog with End of the Line. Today we had to get special permission from a couple of people to go inside a prison to talk to a cellmate. This is a high rate criminal for his multiple offences. Dean Manson was once the Major of a small town and had connections to the police force. Till one day his path crossed with Aaron's then everything was turned upside down. Now I got a chance to sit down with Manson and his Lawyer Jim Henderson.

::Enter cell and sits down:: Manson is sitting in the chair across from me in an orange jumpsuit as his lawyer is sitting besides him.

Remember, don't answer anything you don't want to. We don't want to ruin chances for parole.

Don't worry I have things under control.

(Shifts in seats.)
So...(pauses) what exactly did you do to end up in here?

(Face is calm as his tone is smooth.)
I do not know I am innocent.

But you were tried-

I was wrongfully accused, if it had not been for that boy's testimony I would not be in here.

Maybe you wouldn't be in here unless you did something you weren't suppose to have done.

It is rare, but sometimes our court system does put an innocent man away.

I see we are not going to go anywhere on this question. So how about that prison food?

(Raises an eyebrow.)
I doubt you got permission from a lawyer to see me to talk about prison food.

Fine, when you get out in what, ten years, what do you plan to do when you are free?

Well, I lost my job, my wife just sent me divorce papers, and my reputation is forever tainted so that I will forever be labeled as a criminal. I will never be able to work another day. I do not have anyone to take care of my estates or what is left of them which the courts have not taken away. And you want to know what I will do when I am free?

Well yeah that was the question. So next question, what do you do in prison?

The only real thing that gets me by is thinking what I will do to that Aaron boy once I am let out. How I will make him pay for putting me in here. That I-

(Standing up quickly cutting off Manson)
I think we have had enough for now.


No, my client is now done.

Fun Fact of the Day:
This story when it was a nightmare was actually taking place in the future with flying cars and such.

If you answer these two questions right you win a free ebook copy of End of the Line, just comment this post.

1. What was the villain's name in Sleeping Beauty.

2. What was on the original cover of End of the Line?

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