Bare with my I'm still a little groggy from not really sleeping. So much is going on and my final is on monday (ahhh!!!). You can till I'm not stressing about something that is 20% of my grade... anyhow today is day 6th of the Buy one get one Free sale at Bucks County Publishing! I don't have an interview set up today, but I hope you check out the book none the less! Today's book is called NonSense by Mark Davis!
Mark Davis

Just as a reminder also the next book has nothing to do with the BOGO with my publisher, but this is a reminder about Christmas Lites the book that all funds go to NCADV (national coalition against domestic voilence). 26 authors some already published some are new came together for the holiday season to help raise money for those who are afraid of lies in their homes.
Once upon a time, a determined seven year old caught Santa sliding down the chimney…Then a ninja elf came and broke Santa out, no net is strong enough to keep out this ninja elf! Off passed the faithful family pet they ran and jumped in the sleigh. They raced to another house but refused to stop when ghosts were there to greet them. Santa doesn’t tangle with ghosts. He doesn’t tangle with vampires, either. At the next stop, he met a runaway gingerbread man who yelled, “You can’t catch me, I’m the gingerbread man!” Santa didn’t bother to catch him; he had things to do. On his way to his next delivery, he passed a werewolf jumping out of a plane and dodged a zombie hungry for his brain. He finally touched down in a nice, normal town full of tidings and great joy…Or did he?Dive into a world of variety—a world of spirit with this Creative Reviews anthology. What better way to celebrate the holiday season than with some short stories that entertain and encompass the true meaning of Christmas? All proceeds of this book will be donated to the NCADV. Debut authors and published authors have come together in this one-of-a-kind compilation – please help support a great cause and plunge deep into our imaginations
click here to check it out
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