I hope everyone had a lovely holiday season whether it was christmas, hanukkah, or even winter solstice! Since last week and a little of the week before I was spreading the joy of book sales introducing the other authors that are in my publishing company. I figured I would share the books I received for the holiday since everyone on Goodreads and facebook are doing that! You guys should comment and share what you all got!

Oh! Oh! Lookie here I have joined the e-book world! I'm still addicted to physical books, but for reviews or those books that I want that are just not available via physical book form!
Yes I realize I did not get End of the Line, Family Ties, or even Christmas Lites for christmas, but I didn't want to take apart books that were staying up! In there is 5 screen writing books and one grammar book. My one aunt wants me to start playing around with turning my books into screenplays, movies and such. Could be fun :)
Wow! It looks like you received many wonderful books. I asked for a lot of books- but got gift cards and money to buy them instead. I am looking forward to going shopping this weekend! I hope you enjoy your new ereader. I still prefer books in print- but an ereader is good for some books! Happy reading and Happy New Year!
Hehe thank you! Oh gift cards are seriously awsome and dangerous with books! Might as well give a kid the key to the toy store and set them free! I hope you have fun with that this weekend! Haha thanks I have it mostly for those books that aren't on paperback. Thank you so much, I'll check out your blog and Happy New Year!!