2. Where did you get the idea for this book? I get my ideas for my books in many forms. As for my children’s books, I suppose it came from teaching and my love for children. Especially very young children, their innocence and how they see the world is very inspiring and humbling for myself as an adult. I am envious of their perspectives on life as they see it…so once I capture even a small bit of it…I want to use it in my writings.
3. What is your favorite thing about writing? I love the fact that God has granted me so much free reign concerning my imagination. This freedom is something I never take for granted and use daily.
4. What is your favorite TV show? Hard one. But probably American Idol…I am also a sucker for the American dream coming true for people who have always had a dream, but not much chance of it happening…As a singer, it makes me happy to see this happen for the contestants.
5. What did you do when you got your acceptance letter from BCP? Of course, I was happy! I had known Bruce previously, and as someone I knew, it was a pleasure to work with him again.
6. Growing up what was your favorite book? I loved poetry of Nikki Giovanni and Judy Blume as well.
7. What is one thing that you are asking for this year for Christmas? Hoping and praying for a wonderful and prosperous New Year with my books and writing career.
8. Are you working on another story now? If so, what about? Yes, I am…it is called SOUTHERN COMFORT about a Quaker woman whose husband owned slaves and her controversial relationship with them.
9. What is your favorite genre that you write? I don’t have a particular favorite…just love to write about what inspires me at the time and go with it.
10. What is your favorite dessert? Peach cobbler
11. If you can bring any character from a book to life who would it be and why? Naomi of Naomi’s Journeys…she is a representative of myself …only wiser and wittier during childhood…not at all like I was…I was very native’ and protected…Naomi is everything I wish I had been with a little bit of time travel and discovery of the love I have for history…now, that I am an adult and have an appreciation for it!
12. What is your favorite holiday tradition? I have two…both Thanksgiving and Christmas and I believe they are my favorite because of the inclusion of family and giving.
Come join the entire family on its way
to Grandma's for a traditional Thanksgiving meal! Perfect for young children and even
those learning to read! Share Thanksgiving with the entire family!
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