Saturday, November 29, 2014

12 Days of Christmas Giveaway

Hi Everyone!
I am taking part in a 12 Days of Christmas giveaway! There are many different authors of different genres! You should take advantage of this giveaway!

Friday, November 7, 2014

Mistakes and happenings

Sorry I've been a little MIA, forgive the first year teacher! This week I had some paperwork, grades, meetings, and observations this week so my brain is really fried. I like to bake to relax, it might be weird, but I enjoy it, baking gets my mind elsewhere. So I was told I could put eggs in the freezer and the next day they would be fine. Yeah, I won't be freezing eggs again! As I tell my kids, 'everyone makes mistakes'. Yeah I did a doesy today! They were still slightly frozen, so I put them in the microwave after I took the shell off. I ended up with scramble eggs in my dough. I had to restart and use yogurt because those were my last eggs... vanilla yogurt don't worry! It tastes good last time I did that. Hopefully it will again, because I might trick my friend Ryan with them to see if he notices a difference.

Now you might be thinking, that I say I write to relax. I do, don't get me wrong, but I also like to cook even if I'm not the best at it. My Aunt has Project US and she will be editing that next! Hopefully it's worth the build up...and I've been editing little by little my pirate story again :) I swear I haven't forgotten about my writing!