Now, I am sure you're done listening to me talk about gardening and my failed attempts of organizing when this is a book blog. I will go straight to the point, Off the Beaten Path (End of the Line 2) I know I said it would be released this month, but I have moved it to June. It is still being edited. I will keep you updated if there are any changes. Meanwhile I have been barely able to write, but I have gotten a little bit done with Mistakes #5 (Moonlit Eyes), and first rounds of edits of Mistakes #5.
Let me just say grad school has been kicking my butt this semester especially the past month so I have not been able to get much done. Which is seriously digging at my sanity as I have been outlining a new story. I know I need to finish other stories that I have going on before I start a new one. However, I like to think to work on the stories on which the voices are the strongest. This new story I am not sure if I will be connecting it to Beneath the Scars. I will say the story known as Call for Help will now be called something else because I will be stealing that title for the new story. It fits it better. I will share more details on the new project once I am able to actually work on it other than writing notes here and there. I will say that there a few country songs influecing this song.