Sunday, May 28, 2017

Graduation sale

Good Morning!
This past Wednesday I had my grad school graduation. I started in 2013, took 7 classes for my special education teaching certificate. I moved to Virginia. After taking about a year and a half off, I got nudges from my family, friends, and boyfriend to go back to finish the last 5 classes so that I would have my masters. I contacted my old school and they allowed me to finish the last five classes online. I finished my masters despite having my hand in a cast for one semester. Despite my boyfriend cutting our internet while doing yard work. Despite my work schedule, moving, moving to a house in the country and having to use a hot spot as my internet in the house, which was after the spotty hughes net. Needless to say it was a journey. However, I made it! I struggled with reading and spelling my whole academic career, but made it through my masters. I can honestly say though I'm never going back for any high of a degree, this time I am sure!

Here to celebrate though, I put all my ebooks on sale: HERE

On a side note. I know tomorrow is Memorial Day. Thank you all of the soldiers that gave their lives to serve the country. Not only do they, but also their families' give up a lot for the rest of us. 

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