Saturday, March 19, 2011

lifes little oops!

So I really can not get over the mistake I just did! I really wanted cookies and I'm home alone at school. As I was craving chocolate chip cookies, who doesn't?! I had to pick up milk anyway and I had the other ingredients so all I had to pick up chocolate chips. So I get home and put my pj pants back on and start getting things ready. I have the butter out to start to soften, and I poured out the flour only to realize not only did I still not have vanilla extract, but no eggs!!! I swear I always manage to do something screwy when I cook cookies by myself. I swear if I tell my friend Ryan this he may never let me cook them without supervision. So I googled and searched (0nly if I put this much effort into studying for my test Monday!) and I noticed yogurt. I have vanilla yogurt so I figured worth a shot to make up for the 2 ingredients I forgot! May I add, one container of my yogurt actually worked! They are light and tasty! And no guilt about salmonella when eating the dough!! Got to love life's little oops'! I wouldn't mind doing that again! I'm hoping to use this for my one story Runaway, with the main characters in it, it is going to be hopefully amusing to all! I'm hoping I'm not the only person so easily amused!! So if anyone forgets eggs when making chocolate chip cookies, vanilla low fat yogurt works just nicely, and if you just want the dough and don't want to end up sit it also works!

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